Thursday, August 10, 2023

stuff to work on between now and the walk

I've got plenty of time to work on things before the walk starts. Among the top priorities is to lose enough weight to make walking in October a lot easier. Here's hoping I don't end up with any more diabetic foot ulcers. This last one (which was also my first one) was more than enough for a lifetime. 

I'm also waiting on a pair of shoes I ordered (Amazon currently says the shoes are running late if you'll pardon the inadvertent pun), and I need to re-waterproof a windbreaker I own. I may also have to buy a new belt, but then again, I may not because my current belt seems to be holding up fine. 

I have to finalize my itinerary, but that should be fairly easy since I plan to re-walk my 2019 route, which involved a couple days of camping, thus necessitating a backpack. On that score, I have an awesome Gregory Baltoro 85, full of easy-access pockets and other nifty features, and I can keep the pack weight under 10 kilograms if I pack smart. 

Again on the health and fitness front, I need to get my cardio up to speed, so another health goal is to be able to walk up my building's staircase, from B1 to 26, at least twice before I actually start the trans-Korea trek. 

I should probably also do a few practice walks with the fully loaded backpack on my back. It's summer right now, and with the exception of the typhoon-related weather this week, we've been in the middle of a heat wave. Practice walks can wait until September.

What else... what else... there's always something...

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